Vegan food that are great for gut health
1. Prebiotic Foods
In your gut are trillions upon trillions of tiny microorganisms that we call gut bacteria. These little guys do a variety of things such as aid in digestion and promote regular bowl movements.
Recent research has shown that having a good amount of healthy gut bacteria may be beneficial in maintaining a healthy weight and normalizing blood sugar. Studies have also suggested that having good gut bacteria early on might play a role in not developing a variety of autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, lupus, and even asthma and allergies.
So what’s the best way to boost your good gut bacteria? – Feed it.
That’s right. Just like we need to eat in order to be healthy these microorganisms need a food called prebiotics, a type of fiber, in order to not just survive but to thrive.
Luckily for us these prebiotic foods are quite common.
Our top favorites:
Dark leafy greens
2.Fermented Foods
There are a number of foods such as cabbage, soybeans, and other vegetables that when they are fermented turn into tummy supporting superfoods.
During the fermentation process, a natural probiotic bacteria begins to grow which gives these foods their familiar tangy flavor and also their ability to promote optimal digestion.
The mot powerful fermented foods to gobble down?
3. Blueberries
These juicy berries are packed full of naturally occurring compounds called polyphenols.
This special nutrient helps to increase the growth of good gut bacteria while decreasing the bad bacteria. What does that mean for you? Better digestion, more energy, and a happy tummy.2
Blueberries are also an excellent source of the mineral manganese, a nutrient that is essential in the production and utilization of digestive enzymes. Eating a cup of blueberries each day can help maintain optimal levels of digestive enzymes and promote efficient digestion.
4. Whole Oranges
The soluble fiber found in oranges is broken down by our gut bacteria.
One of the byproducts that is created is a fatty acid called butyrate, a substance that is the best energy source for the cells that line our GI tract.
Consuming whole oranges, not the juice, actually helps the body heal damaged tissue and maintain a healthy gut.
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