Maqui Berry benefits
Packed with antioxidants - Raw maqui berries have a score of 27,600 units per 100 grams on the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) test, which is a scale that measures the effectiveness of antioxidants in foods. This makes maqui berries the most antioxidant-dense fruits in the world, and pushes acai berries (once considered the best with a score of 16,700 units per 100 grams) into second place.
The berries' impressive ORAC score is reinforced by studies published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry and the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, which prove that they contain unusually high amounts of cancer-fighting antioxidants.
What could be better than fruit and chocolate in a morning smoothie? A bit of bee pollen, of course, to give a mild flowery undertone. The rich purple color of this tasty smoothie comes from anthocyanins, the antioxidants abundantly found in maqui berry. Loaded with vitamins and minerals, this smoothie is nutritious and delicious!
1 banana
1 cup berries of choice
1 tsp maqui powder
1 tsp cacao powder
16oz almond milk
1 tsp bee pollen (optional)
Blend in a high speed blender and enjoy!
1 tbsp Maqui Berry Powder
32oz of garbanzo beans (cooked or raw/sprouted)
3 cloves minced garlic
4 tbsp tahini paste
1 lemon, squeezed
½ tsp cumin
¾ cup cold water
Kalahari Desert Salt to taste
Paprika (optional)
Parsley (optional)
Organic Olive Oil for garnish
Place all ingredients in blender or food processor – blend until smooth. Transfer to a bowl and sprinkle olive oil and paprika and parsley for garnish. Dip veggies and enjoy!
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